The law of Divine Compensation is a universal law and it dictates that what you get is in direct relationship to what you give. Basically, it is the law of sowing and reaping – you get what you give.
The Law of Compensation (or the law of Divine Compensation) is often talked about in so-called success literature. We all want to be compensated for our time and energy that we put into anything.
When you work really hard at something; when you give it your “all” and you get nothing in return it can be very deflating.
At this point, most people give up.
We hear it all the time…“I tried everything and it did not work”.
The Law of Divine Compensation actually gives us great insight into why some people seem to get everything they want without even trying while others work their fingers to the bone and still struggle.
While the idea of compensation implies that you GET something, there is actually a very subtle difference that is crucially important in really understanding this great universal law of life.
What Is The Law Of Compensation?
The law of compensation dictates that what you get in life is in direct relation to what you give.
In everyday language, you get what you give.
This is often also called the law of sowing and reaping. The idea is that you can not “harvest” if you did not sow anything.
This is a simple idea and one that we easily blow off but there is a lot more to it. The main distinction we will focus on is not about the fact that you are working hard and “doing your best” but more on what is behind your actions.
I find that most people who really want to achieve something or manifest their dream life work really hard towards achieving it.
Does the law of compensation not entitle you to rewards that equal your efforts?
The sad truth is that the answer is no – most of the time. The law of compensation does not compensate you based on how “hard” you work.
Working a lot of hours or spending a lot of time on any task or goal does not entitle you to anything.
Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.
– Jim Rohn
Many people work really tough jobs in terrible conditions and long hours yet they earn very little. How does the law of compensation explain that?
The law of compensation will compensate you for the value that you add to a marketplace, a community or to society as a whole.
The value of your contribution is in direct relationship to the amount of compensation you receive. To receive more you simply have to increase the value of your compensation.
Most people make one big mistake if they want to earn more money for instance. They simply start working more – working harder and putting in more effort.
While that is certainly one way of doing it, it is definitely not the best way. What we learn from the law of compensation is that you simply have to increase the value that you bring to what you do.
- How can you be more valuable?
- How can you give more?
- How can you increase your contribution?
Your focus has to be on GIVING and NOT on getting.
Law Of Compensation – Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is arguably the most successful book ever written on the topic of success and achievement.
The book documents Napoleon Hill‘s finding after interviewing the most successful business tycoons of his time. These 14 principles were what he saw as universally present with all these super successful people.
In his earlier book, Law Of Success In Sixteen Lesson and his later book Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude Hill refers directly to the law of compensation.
He lays out a formula that goes like this:
Q + Q + MA = C
The Quality of your service rendered plus the Quantity of service rendered plus the Mental Attitude in which it is rendered equals the Compensation you will receive.
He places a lot of emphasis on the mental attitude as that can greatly amplify your results. You can do the same thing as everyone else but by simply having a positive mental attitude you can have vastly different results
He goes on to explain the law of compensation by saying that if you do more than what you are paid for you will soon reap the harvest of your investment.
The Law Of Compensation and The Law Of Attraction
In the last few years, there is a “new wave” of people who caught on to the law of attraction thanks to Youtube and movies like The Secret.
While I think The Secret was a great introduction to the law of attraction it over-simplified the law of attraction. There was way too much emphasis on using the law of attraction to GET stuff.
To really have the law of attraction work in your life on a really magical level, your focus needs to shift from GETTING to GIVING.
You can not get anything without giving. It is the most basic law of the universe. The law of action and reaction is a universal law.
The subtle distinction is that you need to shift your energy from how can you get something to how can you give to get something.
Most people have their intentions and their manifestation desires so firmly set on what they want to get that they become blinded to the truth of the law of compensation.
I see so many YouTubers who “teach” about the law of attraction get this so wrong that it pains me to see millions of people watching these videos.
The lure of getting something for nothing is incredibly strong. Far too many people try to abuse the law of attraction by getting something for nothing.
They think that all they have to do is to visualize what they want, keep their thoughts positive and have the intention to manifest it. They then proceed to sit on sofa and wait for it to fall on their lap.
The law of attraction can not manifest something out of thin air.
It simply does not work like that.
The law of attraction exists alongside the law of compensation.
You will most likely still have to work very hard to get what you want but when you work in harmony with the law of attraction it is completely different.
You will feel inspired and you will love what you do. Your actions will be focussed on a specific intention for what you want to manifest and create.
Do not be seduced by anyone who promises you that you can manifest everything you want by sitting on your sofa and contemplating how you are going to spend your millions.
We must give more in order to get more. It is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest.
– Orison Swett Marden
The law of compensation can not be cheated. You can only get what is in harmony with what you give.
The law of compensation relates even further to the law of attraction when you consider the fact that the law of attraction will only attract to you that which is in harmony with your energy and your attention.
When you take inspired action and act on the “breadcrumbs” that the universe will start leaving you, then your actions are filled with joy and enthusiasm.
When what you give is filled with joy, love, and enthusiasm then that energy gets “put into” what the law of compensation will deliver to you.
This explains why you should never do anything only for the sake of what you will get out of it. It will greatly limit your compensation.
It is impossible to achieve any long term success if you do not put love into what you do. From an energetic point of view, it is simply not possible.
Using The Law Of Compensation In Your Life
The law of compensation is quite a simple law to understand intellectually but making it part of your life is not always that easy.
Most people are in the habit of just doing enough to “get by”. Once you know that everything starts with you and what you GIVE you can start making some incredible changes in your life.
Here are 8 powerful ways to make the law of compensation work for you in your life.
1. Never Focus on The Compensation
This is a bit of a paradox and something that requires a complete 180 on how you are thinking. Most people think about what they want to GET, achieve or manifest and then do a lot of things that they think will get them what they want.
If you work with the law of compensation you will find a much easier way. Start by changing your thinking to what can you GIVE in order to get what you want.
Once you’ve figured out what you can give, place all your energy and attention on GIVING. This will completely change your mindset.
GETTING is always a consequence of giving. When your focus is on giving you don’t get consumed with the egoistic demand of what you get in return.
Getting becomes a natural consequence – an effortless result that comes about because your focus is only on sowing – not on reaping.
2. Your Energy and Your Attitude
It is not about what you do but what you bring to what you do. Many people work incredibly hard but they hate what they do.
This “hating what they do” will permeate every aspect of what they do. The result is that they get compensated for the energy they bring – regardless of how hard they work or how many hours they put in.
We see this all the time. The people who rise up from janitors to managers and CEO’s are those who do their job as a janitor with love, joy, and who does an exceptional job at that.
There is a saying that the way you do something is the way you do everything. Never have the attitude that “I will do my best when I have X, Y or Z”
Start where you are.
– Arthur Ashe
Use what you have.
Do what you can.
3. Do What You Love, Love What You Do
Most people are drawn to the law of attraction because they want to do more of what they love and less of what they hate.
Who wouldn’t like to “only” do the things they love? For many the definition of success is to do what they want when they want, and however much they want.
Doing what you love is freedom.
– Lana Del Ray
Loving what you do is happiness.
While there is some truth to that definition, the reality is that doing what you love will always require of you to still love what you do.
No matter what you do in life, there will always be aspects of it that you do not love. Your task in life is not so much about doing what you love as it is about loving what you do.
The great news is that you can start loving what you do no matter where you are in your life. If you hate your job, or your relationship or your body you can start right now by changing your attitude.
Remember what Dr. Wayne Dyer said: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
This change of attitude and starting to love what you do works directly with the law of compensation.
You may still do the same job or be in the same relationship but when you start to inject love into it, you will be compensated in turn.
4. You Go First
Many people who are in a job they hate or a bad relationship think that their boss or their partner has to change before anything will get better.
This is simply not true. Remember that the law of compensation dictates that you get what you give.
You go first! You give first and then you receive. You don’t wait until you receive it before you give.
It simply does not work like that. This is a very freeing principle because it allows you to change virtually anything by changing yourself first.
Apart from how a change in mindset relates to the law of compensation and the law of attraction, there is an interesting reaction to giving that is hard-coded into the human mind.
If you lead with a giving hand, people respond accordingly. If you respond to anger and frustration with love, the other person comes around.
If you are in a bad relationship full of arguments, you go first! You be the first to choose love and kindness. Eventually, it has to be reciprocated. That is the law of compensation.
You have a job that underpays you? You go first! Start by doing your very best and do it with a positive and giving attitude to make things better. Eventually, it has to be reciprocated. That is the law of compensation.
5. Hard Work Versus Working Hard
This is where most people fall flat on their faces. When I talk about the law of compensation most people respond by saying that they work incredibly hard. Some work to jobs and long hours away from their families.
There is a big difference between working hard and hard work.
Working hard usually means you work long hours and often under difficult circumstances. Most of the time, this is work you dislike or that you do only for the compensation.
Hard work on the other hand is doing difficult things. A heart surgeon can earn $20,000 for 2 hours of work because he does a very difficult job that carries a lot of responsibility.
The heart surgeon brings a lot of value to what he does. He can quite literally save a life. What is the value of that!?
6. How Can I Be More Valuable?
You become more valuable not by doing more of what you already do. You do it by creating more value in what you do.
Understand what need you are trying to fulfill and figure out a way to fulfill these needs in a better way; a way that will make those people you serve feel more valued.
Ask yourself how you can exceed people’s expectations. If you do more than what your boss or your clients expect they will feel like they want to reciprocate what you did for them.
You can only do this if your focus is entirely on giving and serving. As soon as your focus shifts back to what you will get out of it, you are back in the ego state and that has no compensation.
7. Not Just Money
The law of compensation works in every aspect of your life – not just for money and your career. In your relationships, you will only get out of a relationship what you give.
The trouble with most relationships is that people become too fixated on what they GET. When you first fall in love you will do anything for your partner. Giving comes naturally.
Over time we lose that and the ego quickly takes over. If you want to have a great relationship, focus on what you can give. The law of compensation will take care of the rest.
This also works in your health. If you are out of shape and have a slew of health problems then that is usually the result of what you gave to your mind and your body.
If you start to focus on what you feed your body and your mind and how well you take care of it you will see how the law of compensation holds true here too.
8. Give More Than What’s Expected
This related directly to Napoleon Hill’s idea of doing more than you are paid for. When you over-deliver then you will be overcompensated.
There is a saying that it is never crowded on the extra mile.
Do you go the extra mile for your company, your boss, your colleagues, your business or even for your husband/wife and family?
Start by going out of your way to deliver more than what’s expected of you. Pour your heart into everything you do and never do “just enough”.