Lapis Lazuli vs Sodalite Healing Properties

Discovering the best crystal for your needs can be a fascinating journey, especially when it comes to closely related stones like Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite.

Both of these captivating blue gems have mesmerizing appearances and are known for their unique healing properties.

In this article, we will delve into the differences between these two enchanting stones and the effects they can have on our mental and emotional well-being.

Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite share certain similarities, such as their vivid blue hues and their abilities to aid in mental recovery, self-esteem, and confidence building.

However, each stone holds its own individual characteristics and properties that make them distinct from one another.

By exploring these subtle differences, we can identify which crystals will be the most beneficial for specific aspects of our lives and personal growth journeys.

Lapis Lazuli vs Sodalite Healing Properties

As we investigate the unique attributes of both Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite, we will discover their origins, geological compositions, and common applications in jewelry and healing practices.

By understanding these nuances, we can make informed decisions about which stone best aligns with our personal needs and intentions, ultimately enriching our lives with the potent energy these crystals have to offer.

Lapis Lazuli Basics

Lapis lazuli is a stunning deep blue gemstone with a rich history. It is made up of multiple minerals, including lazurite, calcite, and pyrite. This combination gives lapis lazuli its unique appearance, often featuring white calcite streaks and golden flecks of pyrite throughout the stone.

We find lapis lazuli in several locations around the world, but the highest quality deposits are in Afghanistan. The distinct deep blue color of lapis lazuli, along with its beautiful patterns, make it a highly sought-after gemstone for both collectors and jewelry enthusiasts.

As a crystal, lapis lazuli is known for its healing properties. Many people believe that it promotes mental clarity, emotional healing, and enhanced intuition.

Additionally, it has been connected to the throat chakra, making it particularly useful for improving communication skills and self-expression.

In terms of its composition, the mineral lazurite is responsible for lapis lazuli’s signature blue hue.

The vibrant color and semi-translucent quality of the stone can vary depending on the exact concentration of lazurite, calcite, and pyrite within each specific piece.

While discussing lapis lazuli, it’s essential to recognize its value as an ancient symbol of wisdom and truth. This timeless association makes it an ideal choice for those seeking spiritual growth or an enhancement of their personal power.

Conversely, sodalite is a similar earth-toned mineral that is often confused with lapis lazuli. It is also composed of different minerals, such as feldspar, and exhibits a somewhat more subtle blue hue than lapis lazuli.

However, their shared affinity for grounding and mental awareness make them equally valuable healing crystal choices.

Sodalite Basics

Sodalite is a fascinating blue gemstone that has gained popularity in recent years due to its beautiful appearance and healing properties.

As a crystal, it is primarily recognized for its deep blue color, often accompanied by white veins and sometimes even hints of gray. The mineral’s color ranges from a rich royal blue to a lighter, more delicate shade.

Sodalite can be found in a variety of deposits across the world, with notable sources in Brazil and Canada.

These two countries are known for producing some of the finest quality Sodalite crystals, which are treasured by collectors and healers alike.

In its natural form, Sodalite can also occur as a gray mineral called hackmanite. However, it is the blue variety that is most commonly used in healing practices and jewelry making.

The white veins present in Sodalite are often considered an attractive feature of the stone, adding depth and character to its appearance.

As a gemstone, Sodalite is relatively abundant, making it an accessible choice for those looking to incorporate its healing properties into their lives.

In terms of hardness, Sodalite ranks around 5.5 to 6 on the Mohs scale, making it suitable for use in various types of jewelry and ornamental items.

When working with Sodalite, we often focus on its potential for promoting mental balance and clarity.

By tapping into the soothing energy of this crystal, we can foster a greater sense of inner peace and improve our ability to communicate effectively with others.

In summary, Sodalite is a stunning blue gemstone with notable white veins, primarily found in Brazil and Canada.

Its properties make it a popular choice in healing practices and jewelry, helping to promote mental balance and clarity in those who connect with its energy.

Appearance and Uses

Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite are both popular for their beautiful, rich blue hues. The color of Lapis Lazuli varies from dark blue to greenish-blue and is known for its gold flecks and streaks of Pyrite, while Sodalite presents a lighter shade of blue and is characterized by its white veins.

We find both of these gemstones as ideal options for various forms of jewelry, including necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets.

Lapis Lazuli is often used in creating intricately designed pieces of jewelry due to its granular appearance and luxurious, deep blue color.

Sodalite, with its captivating white veins, lends itself well to simple yet elegant designs.

When it comes to cost, Lapis Lazuli tends to be the pricier of the two gemstones. Its historical significance and the presence of golden Pyrite inclusions contribute to its higher value.

Sodalite, on the other hand, is more affordable and readily available, making it an attractive choice for those who want beautiful blue stones without a hefty price tag.

Both Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite can be found in different forms such as cabochons, raw, and polished stones. Cabochons are popular for use in jewelry settings, showcasing each stone’s unique pattern and colors.

Raw stones retain their natural, rugged appearance and are often used in meditation and energy work.

In our experience, these gemstones have more than just aesthetic appeal. They are also believed to have various healing properties.

Lapis Lazuli is known for improving mental clarity, enhancing creativity, and aiding in the communication of inner feelings. Sodalite, on the other hand, is associated with easing anxiety, balancing emotions, and promoting logical thinking.

Healing Properties

In this section, we will explore the healing properties of both Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite, shedding light on how each stone can positively influence different aspects of our lives.

Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties

Lapis Lazuli, also known as the “stone of truth,” has a deep, rich blue hue often accompanied by golden streaks. This stone is known for its abilities to:

  • Strengthen the throat chakra: Lapis Lazuli is believed to improve communication, self-expression, and help us speak our truth.
  • Enhance intuition: The deep, mystical blue color of Lapis Lazuli is associated with the third eye chakra, stimulating our inner wisdom and intuitive abilities.
  • Promote mental clarity and focus: This stone is thought to clear the mind, allowing us to better concentrate and make important decisions.
  • Encourage love and self-confidence: Lapis Lazuli can inspire feelings of self-love, confidence, and personal power.
  • Provide protection and balance: Offering protection from negative energies, this gem also supports emotional balance and serenity.

Sodalite Healing Properties

Sodalite, also known as “the poet’s stone,” shares a similar blue color with Lapis Lazuli but tends to be slightly lighter. It is valued for its ability to:

  • Support communication: Sodalite can help us express our thoughts and improve our verbal dexterity, fostering better understanding in personal and professional relationships.
  • Enhance mental recovery and focus: This stone is thought to strengthen the mind, aiding in the processing of new information and boosting our ability to concentrate.
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence: Sodalite’s calming energy can instill a sense of self-assurance, helping us face challenges with resilience and poise.
  • Balance energy and promote acceptance: By promoting a sense of inner peace and balance, Sodalite encourages us to accept ourselves and our circumstances, allowing for personal growth.
  • Stimulate meditation and clarity: Through its connection to the third eye chakra, Sodalite can deepen our meditation practice, guiding us toward a clearer understanding of our inner selves.

Remember, these healing properties are meant as a guide to understanding the potential benefits offered by Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite.

It is important to engage with these stones with an open mind, allowing their unique energies to help enhance our mental and emotional well-being.

Chakras and Zodiac Connections

In this section, we will discuss the connections between Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite and their associations with chakras and zodiac signs.

We will examine how these two powerful crystals interact with chakras and which zodiac signs they resonate with.

Lapis Lazuli Chakras and Zodiacs

Lapis Lazuli is known for its strong influence on the third eye chakra. This chakra, also called the Brow Chakra, is the center of our perception and control. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. By activating the third eye chakra, Lapis Lazuli enhances our psychic powers, intuition, and spiritual enlightenment.

In regards to zodiac signs, Lapis Lazuli is often associated with Sagittarius and Libra. Its connection with Sagittarius encourages personal growth, optimism, and adventure, while its bond with Libra promotes balance, harmony, and a fair perspective in life.

Sodalite Chakras and Zodiacs

Sodalite, on the other hand, is particularly helpful for opening the third eye chakra as well, thus making it they are very similar in their chakra connections. Sodalite assists in balancing this chakra, which can lead to improved intuition and spiritual awareness.

When it comes to zodiac associations, Sodalite is primarily linked to Sagittarius and Capricorn.

For Sagittarius individuals, Sodalite amplifies their thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. At the same time, for Capricorns, this stone enhances their focus, determination, and ambition, helping them achieve their goals.

In summary, both Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite are powerful crystals known for their connections to the third eye chakra and their associations with distinct zodiac signs.

While they share some similar properties, they each have unique strengths that can help different individuals along their spiritual journeys.

Historical and Geographical Context

Throughout history, Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite have been held in high regard for their distinct healing properties. Lapis Lazuli, known for its rich blue color and flecks of gold pyrite, has a long association with ancient Egypt.

Egyptian pharaohs used it in decorative pieces, and it was even found in the burial mask of King Tutankhamun. It was believed to bring protection, wisdom, and truth to the wearer.

In contrast, Sodalite has its origins mainly in South America, with early civilizations such as the Caral people of Peru and the indigenous people of Tiwanaku in modern-day Bolivia trading it as early as 2500 B.C.

This gemstone, similar in coloration to Lapis Lazuli, was and is still valued for its calming and balancing properties, making it a popular choice for spiritual practitioners.

Although their origins are separate, both gemstones have found their way to different parts of the world. Sodalite, for instance, is now mainly sourced from countries like the United States, Chile, and South America.

This widespread presence has allowed more people to appreciate and experience the healing properties of these stones.

In summary, while Lapis Lazuli has a deep historical connection with ancient Egypt, Sodalite holds significance in South American cultural contexts.

These variations in geographical and cultural origins may contribute to the subtle differences in energy and vibrations each stone carries. However, both continue to be cherished for their healing properties and striking blue hues, transcending time and borders.

Physical and Emotional Benefits

Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite are both popular healing stones due to their unique properties and benefits in helping with physical and emotional well-being. In this section, we will discuss some of the key physical and emotional advantages of these beautiful metamorphic rocks.

We have found Lapis Lazuli to have many beneficial properties for our overall health. It is effective in soothing inflammation and helps both the respiratory and nervous systems.

Lapis Lazuli is especially helpful for those who suffer from vocal issues and sore throats, as it works to clear the throat and the thyroid. In addition, this healing crystal is known to improve blood pressure, immune system, and anxiety, making it a powerful tool for fighting stress and maintaining overall well-being.

On the emotional side, Lapis Lazuli promotes communication, knowledge, loyalty, spirituality, success, truth, and wisdom. Its properties can help enhance learning, understanding, and achieving goals while maintaining a clear and neutral perspective.

We believe that by incorporating Lapis Lazuli into our lives, we can benefit from its transformative energy and gain insight into our deepest desires and aspirations.

Sodalite offers several benefits as well. Its predominantly tranquil energy and wealth of ancient wisdom make it an excellent healing stone for emotional imbalance.

Sodalite’s properties help us find peace, offering support in times of stress and anxiety. Also, this mineral empowers us to develop a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us, providing valuable insights and a heightened sense of inner clarity.

Physically, Sodalite is noteworthy for its sodium content, which can play a role in managing healthy blood pressure levels.

Moreover, it contributes to strengthening our immune system and may even help with insomnia, allowing us a more restful night’s sleep.

In conclusion, both Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite are powerful healing crystals that can bring numerous benefits to our physical and emotional wellness.

While they share some similarities, these minerals have unique properties that make them invaluable additions to our lives.

By incorporating these healing stones into our routines and spaces, we can tap into their transformative energies and improve various aspects of our well-being.

Care and Maintenance

Caring for Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite is essential to preserve their natural properties and maintain their effectiveness as healing crystals. As with most healing stones, there are some important practices we should follow to keep them at their best.

Firstly, we should cleanse and charge both Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite regularly. To do this, you can place them on a cleansing stone like Obsidian or Selenite, and let them rest there for several hours or overnight. This will help remove any accumulated negative energies and rejuvenate the stones’ healing power.

It is important to note that neither Lapis Lazuli nor Sodalite should be exposed to water for extended periods, as this can damage their silica deposits and overall structure.

To clean these stones, lightly wipe them with a soft, dry cloth to remove dust and dirt.

When carrying Lapis Lazuli or Sodalite with you for their healing properties, we recommend placing them in a small pouch or a dedicated pocket in your bag.

This will protect them from potential damage and keep them safe while they assist you in making critical decisions and guiding your thoughts.

In terms of storage, both Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite should be kept in a place with a stable temperature, away from direct sunlight or sources of extreme heat. Direct sunlight can lead to discoloration in both stones, particularly the pink tones in Sodalite.

Finally, we encourage you to regularly practice mindfulness with your Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite crystals.

Hold them in your hands, focus on their energy, and let them work their natural healing magic, inspiring positive thoughts and emotional balance.

By incorporating these care and maintenance steps into your routine, you can effectively support the continued effectiveness of Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite as powerful healing crystals.

Lapis Lazuli vs Sodalite: Key Differences

First and foremost, the key difference between Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite lies in their mineral compositions. Lapis Lazuli is primarily composed of lazurite, calcite, and pyrite, whereas Sodalite belongs to the feldspathoid mineral group, which contains sodium, potassium, and calcium.

When it comes to appearance, Lapis Lazuli typically exhibits a deep, rich blue color with golden flecks of pyrite inclusions.

These inclusions give Lapis Lazuli a distinctive, sparkling appearance, setting it apart from Sodalite. On the other hand, Sodalite is usually lighter in color, ranging from pale to royal blue. It often displays white or gray streaks or patches, creating an attractive marbled effect.

However, unlike Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite lacks the presence of pyrite inclusions.

In terms of healing properties, both stones offer unique benefits. Lapis Lazuli is known for its strong connection to inner power, mental clarity, self-expression, and intuition.

It is believed to enhance one’s ability to communicate and articulate thoughts effectively, making it popular among writers and public speakers.

Sodalite, with its calming and stabilizing energy, is recognized for fostering emotional balance and rational thought. It is particularly helpful for individuals who tend to be overly emotional or prone to overthinking.

Sodalite’s properties also promote self-esteem, self-awareness, and confidence, allowing us to engage in activities that enrich our lives.

While both Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite possess various healing attributes, their application depends on one’s specific needs and preferences.

Each individual will resonate differently with the stones’ energies, meaning one person may benefit more from Lapis Lazuli’s empowering qualities, while another might find solace in the soothing effects of Sodalite.


With a passion for spirituality, self discovery, and understanding this life, Neod spends his time musing about what is, what could be and what might come about. After writing for 20 years he's still growing, learning, exploring and sharing with love, joy and compassion.

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