How to Tell if Your Tarot Deck Likes You: Key Signs to Watch For

Many people who are interested in tarot readings often wonder if their tarot deck likes them. Establishing a connection with your tarot deck is crucial for accurate and insightful readings.

In this article, we will explore various signs that may indicate your tarot deck’s feelings towards you, as well as ways to strengthen your bond with the cards.

A tarot deck is not just a collection of cards; it can be seen as an entity with its own personality. To truly understand if your tarot deck likes you, it’s essential to be in tune with the subtle signs and synchronicities that arise during your tarot practice.

This can involve interpreting the messages the cards convey and noticing the ease with which you handle the deck.

How to Tell if Your Tarot Deck Likes You

Conducting tarot readings is a great way to interact with your deck and understand its energy more deeply. As you become more comfortable with your tarot practice, you may notice the cards providing relevant and insightful information that enhances your intuition.

Paying close attention to these interactions will help you determine if your tarot deck likes you.

Key Takeaways

  • Establishing a connection with your tarot deck is essential for insightful readings
  • Interpreting the messages conveyed by your deck can provide insight into its feelings towards you
  • Conducting tarot readings and paying close attention to the deck’s interactions will help you determine if it likes you

Understanding Your Tarot Deck

When working with a tarot deck, it’s important to establish a connection and understand its unique energy. Each deck has its distinct style, symbolism, and general feeling that it evokes during readings. As we explore our relationship with our tarot deck, we can better interpret the messages and insights it provides.

One of the first steps in understanding your tarot deck is to spend time with it. Familiarize yourself with the imagery, symbolism, and meanings of each card.

Meditate on each card individually and take note of any feelings or thoughts that arise as you do so. This process will help you attune to the unique energy and personality of your deck.

Another vital aspect of understanding your tarot deck is to trust your intuition. Pay attention to any signs, synchronicities, or gut feelings that you experience during readings.

This intuitive connection will help you gauge whether your tarot deck likes you and if it’s providing accurate insights.

A tarot deck that likes you will often provide insightful and relevant information during readings, helping you gain clarity and understanding.

Consider the ease of interpretation. If you find it effortless to interpret the messages conveyed by your tarot deck, it suggests a harmonious relationship between you and the cards.

It’s also important to treat your tarot deck with respect and care. Store it in a safe and clean environment, and cleanse its energy regularly.

This can be done through various methods such as using sage, placing them near cleansing crystals, or visualizing a purifying light surrounding the deck. Demonstrating respect for your deck will strengthen your bond and enhance the energy exchange during readings.

In conclusion, understanding your tarot deck involves spending time with it, trusting your intuition, interpreting the messages effortlessly, and treating it with respect.

By nurturing this connection, you will be better equipped to determine if your tarot deck likes you and can provide valuable guidance on your spiritual journey.

Establishing a Relationship with Your Tarot Deck

In order to build a strong bond with our tarot deck, it’s essential that we invest time and energy in forming a personal connection with it.

Connecting with our tarot deck allows us to gain better insights during readings, as well as smoother interpretation of the messages it conveys.

Firstly, let us begin by setting an intention.

We should hold our cards in our hands, take a few moments to breathe deeply, and then consider what intention we’d like to set for our practice with the tarot deck.

Our intention can be a simple word, phrase, or a feeling that resonates with us. This practice helps align our energy with that of the tarot deck, making our bond stronger.

We should also engage in a practice called “deck interviewing” to establish an initial connection with our cards. By asking the tarot deck about its natural skills and how it can help us, we are fostering a connection similar to getting to know a new person. This allows us to build trust and a mutual understanding between us and our tarot deck.

Moreover, regularly cleansing our deck is an important aspect of maintaining our connection. There are various methods for cleansing, such as using sage, moonlight, or simply knocking on the deck to remove any residual energies. This ensures that our tarot deck stays energetically clean and is more receptive to our intentions.

Additionally, spending quality time with our tarot deck helps in reinforcing our bond. We can do this by studying the symbolism of the cards, meditating with them, or simply carrying the deck with us throughout the day. The more we interact with our cards, the better our relationship will become.

By employing these techniques, we can create a strong, lasting relationship with our tarot deck. The deeper our connection, the clearer and more insightful our readings will become.

Identifying Signs That Your Tarot Deck Likes You

When working with tarot, it’s essential to have a strong connection with your deck. We want to help you identify signs that your tarot deck likes you, ensuring a more insightful and positive experience during your readings.

One of the signs that your tarot deck likes you is the way the cards align with your energy. If you find the cards easy to shuffle and you feel the sensation or warmth of the cards, it indicates that your deck appreciates your presence.

Another sign is receiving intuitive whispers or gentle nudges from the cards while shuffling. These intuitive messages can guide you to specific cards or meanings connected to your questions and concerns, signaling a positive relationship with your deck.

Synchronicities or coincidences are also important indicators. If you notice patterns, recurring themes, or cards that seem particularly relevant to your life, it’s a sign that your tarot deck is in tune with your energy and intentions.

When interpreting the messages in your tarot reading, consider the ease at which the meanings come to you. Effortless interpretation suggests a harmonious relationship between you and your tarot deck, making it more likely that the deck likes you.

Another sign is the helpful and relevant information your tarot deck provides during readings. This feedback can help you gain clarity and understanding regarding your situations or questions, indicating a positive rapport with your deck.

In summary, to determine if your tarot deck likes you, pay attention to the following signs:

  • Ease of shuffling and a physical connection to the cards
  • Intuitive whispers or nudges while shuffling
  • Synchronicities or coincidences during readings
  • Effortless interpretation of card meanings
  • Helpful and relevant information provided in readings

By recognizing these signs, you can nurture a strong, positive connection with your tarot deck, enhancing your overall experience.

Conducting Tarot Readings

When conducting tarot readings, it’s important to be in tune with our deck and ensure that we have a harmonious connection. This can greatly impact the accuracy and relevance of the readings we obtain. In this section, we will share a few tips on how to tell if our tarot deck likes us, particularly when engaging in personal readings.

Firstly, during a tarot reading, we should pay attention to how easily we interpret the cards’ messages. If we find that it’s effortless to decipher the meanings, this suggests that there is a strong bond between us and the deck.

Our ability to provide accurate readings is a clear indicator of our connection with the cards.

As we shuffle the cards, it’s essential to be receptive to any intuitive whispers or gentle nudges that may arise.

This can be a sign that our tarot deck is resonating with our energy and is eager to provide guidance. These intuitive sensations can lead to more accurate readings, as our intuition is an essential aspect of tarot reading.

During personal readings, it’s crucial to observe signs and synchronicities that emerge. For instance, if specific cards repeatedly show up in different readings, this might imply that our deck is encouraging us to focus on particular areas or messages.

Consistent patterns in accurate readings can be another indication that our tarot deck likes us.

In addition to the overall accuracy of our readings, we should also take note of the clarity we receive from our tarot deck. If the information we gain during a reading is insightful and offers a deep understanding of the situation at hand, it’s a sign that we have a good connection with the cards.

Accurate readings that provide meaningful guidance can strengthen our trust in our tarot deck.

In conclusion, by paying attention to the ease of interpretation, our intuition, signs, and the accuracy and clarity of our readings, we can determine if our tarot deck likes us. Establishing a harmonious connection with our tarot deck can significantly enhance the quality and accuracy of the readings we conduct.

Interpreting Synchronicities and Insights

When working with a tarot deck, it’s essential to pay attention to synchronicities and insights that may arise during readings. These occurrences can provide valuable guidance and confirm that our tarot deck is in tune with us.

As we shuffle and draw cards, our intuition often comes into play, helping us better interpret and understand the messages presented by the cards.

A tarot deck that likes us will provide clear and accurate predictions, giving us the confidence to trust our intuition and the guidance offered by the cards.

When our tarot deck is aligned with us, we notice that our interpretations of the cards feel natural and effortless. This ease of understanding is an indication that we’re working harmoniously with our tarot deck and can trust the insights it provides.

Moreover, we may find ourselves receiving consistent guidance and relevant information during readings, even in situations where we did not anticipate receiving divine guidance.

In conclusion, by paying attention to signs, synchronicities, and trusting our intuition during tarot readings, we can better determine if our tarot deck likes us and is providing the valuable guidance and insights we seek.

Learning the Meanings of Tarot Cards

In order to develop a deeper connection with our tarot deck and to understand if the tarot deck “likes” us, we must first learn the meanings behind each card.

Tarot cards are a means of self-discovery and introspection, so understanding the messages they convey will allow us to interpret our readings accurately and build a solid relationship with our deck.

The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, which are divided into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana cards are the 22 cards that represent powerful, spiritual life lessons. These cards carry significant meanings and may offer more profound insight during a reading.

When we see Major Arcana cards in a spread, we should pay close attention to the messages they hold.

On the other hand, The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards and is split into four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords. Each suit has ten numbered cards (from Ace to Ten) and four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). The suits represent different aspects of our daily lives:

  • Cups: This suit is associated with emotions, relationships, and love. Cups represent our feelings, inner thoughts, and connections with others.
  • Pentacles: Representing material aspects, career, and finances, the Pentacles suit deals with our physical realities and resources.
  • Wands: The Wands are related to our energy, passion, and creativity. They symbolize our personal growth, actions, and ventures.
  • Swords: Symbolizing the power of thought, communication, and decisions, Swords cards are connected to our intellect, mental clarity, and ability to analyze situations.

Each card in the tarot deck has its own unique meaning, carrying both positive and negative aspects. In order to understand if our tarot deck likes us and to build a strong bond with it, we must spend time learning about and connecting with the meanings and symbols of each card.

This can be achieved through practice, studying various sources, and regularly working with our deck.

As we grow more confident and knowledgeable about the meanings and messages within our tarot deck, we’ll be better equipped to interpret the cards and understand their guidance.

This ongoing journey will help us foster a positive relationship with our tarot deck and gain greater insight into ourselves in the process.

Shuffling and Storing Your Tarot Deck

We all want to establish a strong connection with our tarot decks, and one of the most critical aspects of developing this connection is through proper shuffling and storage techniques.

By treating your tarot deck with respect and care, you can foster a bond that leads to accurate and insightful readings.

In order to connect with our decks, we need to start with the shuffling process.

Shuffling the tarot cards is an essential step because it allows us to infuse our energy with the deck and create a unique spread for each reading. There are several ways to shuffle your tarot cards, and you can experiment with different methods to find what works best for you and your deck.

Overhand shuffling is a common technique where you hold the full deck in your less dominant hand and use the other to mix the cards. This approach is believed to result in more intuitive readings.

As we shuffle the cards, it’s crucial to ask our question or set our intention for the reading. This act allows the deck to align with our energy and provide relevant answers.

Additionally, pay attention to any cards that may fall out or come to the front during shuffling, as they could have significant messages related to the query at hand.

Once the shuffling process is done, store your tarot deck with care to maintain its energy and condition. Proper storage can come in various forms, such as a protective pouch, box, or cloth to wrap the cards.

We recommend choosing a storage method that resonates with you and your deck, and also consider incorporating specific elements like crystals or herbs to enhance the energy and cleansing.

Remember to keep the deck in a clean, dry place, away from direct sunlight, to preserve the cards’ quality and longevity.

In summary, fostering a healthy relationship with your tarot deck begins with proper shuffling and storage practices.

By treating your deck with respect and care, while connecting to its energy during shuffling, you will be well on your way to accurate and insightful readings.

Using Tarot for Self-Discovery

Tarot cards can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, helping us explore our emotions, thoughts, and personal symbolism. We’ll discuss some techniques to deepen our understanding of the Tarot and ultimately, ourselves.

One of the best ways to familiarize ourselves with the Tarot is through practice. By consistently engaging with our deck, we can learn each card’s meaning and develop a personalized interpretation of the symbols.

Setting aside a specific time each day for learning and reflection can help us establish a connection with our deck.

This can be achieved through daily readings, where we draw a single card to gain insight into the day ahead, or through more complex readings exploring specific situations or emotions.

As we delve deeper into self-discovery, it’s crucial to trust our intuition when interpreting the cards. We might notice patterns or symbolic connections that resonate with us personally.

By keeping a journal of our readings, we can track these patterns and explore our subconscious thoughts.

When learning the Tarot, it’s important to recognize that personal symbolism is key. Each card may evoke emotions, memories, or associative ideas unique to our personal experience.

As we consistently work with our deck, we’ll start to develop an understanding of how these connections resonate with us. Over time, our interpretation of the cards will become more individualized and insightful.

When using Tarot for self-discovery, it’s essential to approach our readings with an open mind.

We must be willing to confront difficult emotions, accept ambiguous answers, and listen to the messages the cards are conveying. By embracing this mindset, we can foster an honest connection with our Tarot deck, enabling us to better understand ourselves and navigate the challenges we face.

Through dedicated practice, willingness to learn, and exploration of our personal symbolism, we can forge a bond with our Tarot deck that goes beyond traditional meanings, opening up a world of self-discovery and personal growth.

Cleansing and Energizing Your Tarot Deck

Cleansing and energizing our tarot deck is an essential practice to ensure a strong connection with the cards and enhance our intuition. By keeping the deck free from negative energies, we can have clearer and more insightful readings. In this section, we will discuss various methods to cleanse and energize your tarot deck.

One effective way to cleanse the energy of our tarot deck is through a ritual. Holding the deck in our hands, we can visualize white light enveloping the cards, removing any accumulated negativity.

This simple yet powerful visualization technique can be done anytime we feel the need to clear our deck’s energy.

Another method to cleanse and energize our tarot deck is to expose it to the light of the moon. The full moon, in particular, is known to hold powerful cleansing and charging capabilities.

Placing the deck under the full moon overnight can help remove negative energies and imbue it with the moon’s energy, renewing the connection between us and our cards.

Using salt is another traditional way to cleanse the energies of our tarot deck. Placing the deck in a container filled with sea salt or Himalayan salt can help absorb and neutralize any lingering negativity.

To avoid damaging the cards, it’s essential to avoid direct contact between the salt and the cards by using a protective cloth or barrier between the deck and the salt.

Crystals are also effective in cleansing and charging our tarot deck. Select crystals with cleansing properties, such as selenite, clear quartz, or amethyst. Placing these crystals either on top of the deck or next to it for several hours will help transfer their energy to the cards.

In conclusion, our tarot deck is a powerful tool for intuition and divination. Implementing these cleansing and energizing techniques will ensure we maintain a strong connection with our cards, ultimately leading to clearer and more insightful readings.

Selecting the Right Tarot Deck

When it comes to selecting the right tarot deck for ourselves, there are various factors to consider. It’s essential to choose a deck that feels in sync with our energy and resonates with our personal style and preferences.

Firstly, the size of the tarot deck matters. We should select a deck that fits comfortably in our hands and allows for easy shuffling.

Decks are available in various sizes, from pocket-sized to larger editions. Try holding and shuffling a few different decks before making a decision.

Next, consider whether a traditional or non-traditional tarot deck would be more suitable for us. Traditional decks, such as the Rider-Waite-Smith, follow established imagery and symbolism, making them ideal for beginners or those who value consistency.

However, if we’re seeking an unconventional approach or something more closely aligned with our beliefs, then exploring non-traditional decks might be the way to go.

Artwork plays a crucial role in choosing the right tarot deck. Different decks feature unique styles of art, ranging from simple and minimalist to highly intricate and detailed.

The artwork should resonate with us and help us connect with the cards on a deeper level. Take your time browsing through various decks and their artwork to see which one instantly appeals to you.

We also need to think about the fit of the tarot deck with our reading style. Some decks are more suitable for intuitive readings, while others are better for analyzing complex situations methodically.

As we progress and evolve in our tarot journey, our preferences may change, and that’s perfectly normal. However, having a deck that aligns with our current preferences is vital to forming a strong connection and getting insightful readings.

By carefully considering these factors – size, fit, traditional versus non-traditional decks, and artwork – we can confidently select a tarot deck that feels right for us and helps us unlock our intuitive abilities.

Meditating with Your Tarot Deck

Meditating with our tarot deck is an excellent way to build a deeper connection and determine if the deck resonates with us.

By incorporating meditation into our tarot practice, we can achieve balance and enhance our intuition when working with the cards.

To begin meditating with our tarot deck, we should first select a card. We might choose one at random or select a card that we feel drawn to or want to better understand.

Next, find a quiet space where we can sit comfortably and focus on our breath.

As our minds begin to quiet down, we can direct our attention to the chosen card, allowing its imagery and symbolism to fill our thoughts. We can connect with the card’s energy and seek insights into its meaning and the message it may hold for us.

As we meditate, pay attention to any sensations, emotions, or thoughts that arise and note how these experiences relate to the card.

Our tarot deck may reveal its compatibility with us through a sense of connection and understanding during these meditations. If we find that our interpretations flow effortlessly and resonate with us, it’s a good indication that our tarot deck likes us.

Consistent meditation practice can further strengthen our bond and improve our overall balance. When we connect with the tarot cards and develop a deeper understanding of their energies, we’ll be better equipped to tap into our innate wisdom and intuition.

Incorporating meditation in our tarot practice allows us to be more confident and knowledgeable about our readings.

By diligently working with our tarot deck during meditation, we can cultivate a strong relationship with the cards and gain clearer insights into whether or not our deck likes us.

Keeping a Tarot Journal

A Tarot journal is an essential tool for anyone looking to connect more deeply with their tarot deck and improve their tarot reading skills.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced reader, maintaining a tarot journal can provide invaluable insights into your relationship with your deck.

By regularly documenting our readings in a journal, we can begin to understand patterns and observe how our interpretations shift over time.

This can help us gauge the level of harmony between us and our tarot deck. To start, we could purchase a blank notebook or opt for a specially designed Tarot Journal, such as Ari Stone’s Daily Spread Tarot and Oracle Journal or an interactive PDF Tarot Workbook.

For those who prefer digital storing, keeping the Tarot Journal on a computer or online is also a great idea.

When recording our readings, it’s important to include all relevant information, such as the date, the question or situation at hand, and the tarot spread used.

For each card drawn, we should note its position, whether it was reversed or upright, and our immediate interpretation of its meaning within the context of the reading. This will allow us to track how our relationship with the tarot deck and understanding of the cards deepen over time.

In addition to documenting our readings, it can be helpful to make note of any personal associations or intuitive insights that arise when working with the tarot.

This goes beyond the traditional card meanings and indicates how our own perceptions align with the deck. By considering these personal connections, we can better recognize when our tarot deck resonates with us.

In short, keeping a Tarot Journal serves as a practical way to monitor and reflect on our experiences with a particular tarot deck. As we continue to document our readings and insights, we will be better equipped to determine if our tarot deck is compatible with our unique reading style and intuition.

Seeking Professional Guidance

As we explore our connection with tarot decks, there may be times when we feel uncertain or overwhelmed about the process. In these situations, seeking professional guidance from an experienced tarot reader can be incredibly helpful.

They can offer us insightful advice to improve our relationship with the tarot deck and ensure that it resonates with us on a deeper level.

Our first step in seeking professional guidance should be finding a reputable tarot reader. There are various means to locate established tarot professionals, such as online directories, local spiritual shops, or personal recommendations from friends or family.

It’s essential to choose a guide we feel comfortable with, as this will help facilitate open communication and trust throughout the process.

Once we have selected a professional tarot reader, it’s important to approach the session with an open mind and a desire to learn. During the consultation, we can discuss our concerns regarding the deck’s energy and the effectiveness of our readings. The tarot reader may provide valuable tips on how to establish a better connection with the deck and enhance our intuitive capabilities.

Moreover, skilled tarot guides can pinpoint specific areas where we may need to improve in our practice, such as our choice of spreads, focusing our energies, or interpreting the cards’ symbolism more effectively.

Their advice, based on years of experience, can greatly contribute to our development as readers and foster a more harmonious relationship with our tarot deck.

Incorporating the input and guidance from a professional tarot reader into our practice is essential to grow as tarot practitioners and deepen our bond with the cards.

By dedicating the time and effort to seek professional advice, we can achieve a clearer understanding of our tarot decks, improve the accuracy of our readings, and ultimately, build a stronger, more fruitful relationship.

Remember, tarot is a deeply personal and spiritual practice.

Each person’s connection with their deck is unique, so it’s crucial to follow our intuition and trust the process as we receive guidance from experienced professionals.

As we continue to practice and nurture our relationship with tarot, we will find ourselves increasingly confident, knowledgeable, and in tune with our decks.

Respecting the Tarot

When working with a tarot deck, it’s essential to show respect and maintain a harmonious relationship with it as a divination tool.

Treat your tarot cards with care and reverence, acknowledging their ability to provide insight and guidance in various aspects of your life.

Firstly, we recommend cleansing your tarot deck regularly to remove any stagnant energies that may have accumulated from previous readings.

This can be done by passing the cards through incense smoke, placing them under the moonlight, or even by simply shuffling them, with the intention of clearing away unwanted energies.

By employing such practices, we ensure that the deck remains receptive to our energy, facilitating better communication between us and the cards.

When handling the cards, it’s important to be gentle and hold them with a sense of appreciation. Avoid bending or folding the cards, as this can lead to physical damage that may affect the deck’s effectiveness. Show gratitude for the wisdom and insight they offer by expressing your thanks after each reading.

Being mindful of such conduct helps build a strong connection with the deck, allowing it to become a powerful tool for reflection and self-discovery.

During a tarot reading session, approach the situation with an open and receptive mindset. Allow yourself to be an active participant by asking thoughtful questions, paying close attention to the cards’ messages, and applying the insights to your life experiences.

Trusting in the tarot cards and their symbolic meanings can contribute to an enhanced understanding of the guidance they provide.

Finally, store your tarot deck in a safe and secure place, such as a box, bag, or wrapped in cloth, to protect it from physical damage and negative energies.

By doing so, we honor the deck’s role as an essential divination tool and ensure that it remains ready to provide valuable insights whenever we seek its wisdom.

Final Thoughts

In order to determine if our tarot deck likes us, we must pay close attention to several factors as we work with our deck.

First, we should consider the insights and understanding that the cards provide during readings. If the readings are relevant and insightful, it’s a positive indication that there is a harmonious relationship between us and our tarot deck.

Another aspect to consider is the ease with which we interpret the messages from our tarot cards. If we find the interpretation process effortless and intuitive, it further suggests a strong bond and mutual understanding between us and our deck.

It’s important to remember that building a relationship with our tarot deck is an ongoing process, much like getting to know a new person.

As we work with our tarot deck, we should continue to nurture and strengthen the connection, ensuring that we are able to get the most out of our readings and experiences together.

Finally, consider conducting a tarot deck interview. This personal and in-depth activity can help us get a better understanding of our deck’s voice, perspectives, and working relationship with us.

By conducting this interview, we can further solidify the bond that we share with our tarot deck and enhance the overall experience of working with our cards.

In conclusion, to determine if our tarot deck likes us, we must be attentive to its insights, our ease of interpretation, and conduct activities like deck interviews to solidify our relationship.

By doing so, we can unlock the potential of our tarot deck and foster a strong partnership for future readings and personal growth.


With a passion for spirituality, self discovery, and understanding this life, Neod spends his time musing about what is, what could be and what might come about. After writing for 20 years he's still growing, learning, exploring and sharing with love, joy and compassion.

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