How To Cleanse Your Subconscious Mind

how to cleanse your subconscious mind

Learning how to cleanse your subconscious mind of negative and/or limiting beliefs and thoughts requires awareness, self analysis and a deliberate effort to to think in a new way.

The subconscious is often seen as the ‘ghost’ in the machine. Almost like some force within us that is quietly controlling and dictating much of our behaviour.

While the subconscious is incredibly powerful, it is important to never lose sight of the fact that your are ultimately in control.

The subconscious is always subject to the conscious mind.

Learning to direct and control your own mind is one of the ultimate skills in a world where we are becoming more and more subject to conditioned behaviour.

We are inundated by what we should or should not be, like or do.

This idea that you can somehow wipe the subconscious mind clean and start fresh is a bit of fable. You can never wipe clean your past thoughts or experiences but you can learn to put them behind you.

The whole idea of cleansing the subconscious mind is not so much about washing away the past as it is about cleansing your thoughts and emotions here and now.

What you think about will expand.

When you think about it often enough it expands automatically.

The Subconscious, Your Thoughts and Your Beliefs

Even a baby does not come into this world with a clean bill of subconscious health. We are born with certain subconscious ‘programs’ that are not only important but essential to keep us alive.

Every aspect about your physical body requires the most minute and most complex calculations and regulations to keep you alive.

Most of these processes you are not even aware of but your subconscious mind has the wisdom to keep all these millions of intricate processes running – all at the same time!

There is also another level of subconscious ‘knowledge’ that we are born with and it is commonly known as the collective unconscious.

If you consider all of humanity as an ‘organism’ then collectively we all have a consciousness. Within that you have countries, cultures, communities and even families that all have their own consciousness.

These all influence our thoughts, beliefs and behaviours immensely.

The influence of all this on the subconscious starts well before you are even born. You could even argue that it starts even before conception.

The challenge that we all face is that the influence of our environment starts to form, shape and condition our subconscious thoughts and thought patterns from the moment we are born.

In many ways you don;t get born a human being.

You get taught to be a human being.

By the time you reach adolescence and your consciousness develops to a stage where you can think and decide for yourself your mind is already programmed to a large extent.

Most of our beliefs about love, money and health are already established by the time we are 10 years old.

Can You Really Wipe Your Subconscious Mind Clean?

Stating over and wiping the slate clean

7 Steps To Help Cleanse The Subconscious

Your mind’s capacity to store information is immense. Its estimated that most people use barely 5% of their true mental capability.

Everything you perceive in your life gets ‘recorded’ by the subconscious mind. Just because you can’t recall it does not mean its not filed away somewhere in your mind.

Under hypnosis people can often recall the most incredible detail about things they can consciously not recall at all.

This gets even more insane…

A highly skilled hypnotist that can reach your superconscious can even tap into memories from past lives!

This then highlights the issue with karma and how our past lives can influence our lives here and now but that is a discussion for another time.

The fact remains that you can ‘cleanse’ your subconscious mind sufficiently in this life wirth your own conscious effort to create an live the life you truly desire.

That is a fact.

People like Dr. Joseph Murphy has written extensively about this and have recorded thousands of cases.

1. Awareness

The first and most important step is to realize not only that you CAN change your subconscious conditioning but it is not nearly as hard or impossible as most people believe it to be.

Believing that your subconscious conditioning is fixed or ‘impossible’ to change is a belief in itself.

Awareness is the key though.

It is when you go though life unaware of your own conditioned responses that you are controlled by them.

Once you have awareness, once you can start noticing them you take the very important step of moving it from the realm of the subconscious into the conscious.

When you are conscious or aware of it, you can change it.

This does not require any special skills but it does require effort. You need time for introspection, contemplation, meditation or prayer – whatever works for you.

You need to remove yourself from the mundane and by being quiet by yourself you can start to notice what would otherwise go unnoticed.

Once you have awareness you realize that many of your thoughts, behaviours and beliefs are in fact nothing more than a ‘program’ that your mind runs on autopilot.

Awareness allows you to switch off the autopilot and you can once again take control of the wheel of your life.

2. Self Analysis

Awareness allows you to become conscious of many of the unconscious thoughts that control and dictate part of your life.

This is especially true for parts of your life that you are not pleased with or that you want to change.

Awareness is a start but only through self analysis and really becoming more conscious of your innermost thoughts and beliefs can you move towards changing it.

Thought patterns and beliefs are never simple or straightforward. It is often the result of many experiences that reinforce each other.

The idea of self analysis is not to try and figure out what that one root cause may be and then try to address that.

I’ve been there.

It’s exhausting.

You often end up going in circles and you often end up blaming people or events. Its completely fruitless since you can not change the past.

It may give you some more insight but ultimately self analysis is all about understanding your Self better.

One important lesson your will learn is what triggers certain beliefs, emotions or thoughts…

3. Triggers

We are all creatures that crave meaning. Part of understanding our world relies on what things mean to us.

Whenever anything happens to or around us the mind instantly asks ‘what does this mean’. The meaning of events and circumstance is what drives much of our behaviour.

It is also this meaning that is rooted in our subconscious minds.

We simply do not have the mental capacity to figure things out every time they happen. The subconscious mind has a huge library of recordings and it automatically assigns meaning to things – without you even having to think about it.

This serves you well – for the most part.

It is also the downfall of many people. It is why we tend to hold on to old, outdated and even disempowering beliefs that no longer serve us.

The subconscious mind gets triggered into certain mental, emotional or behavioural patterns.

This means that.

We think and act without really making deliberate conscious decisions.

Becoming aware of what triggers certain patterns will help you go a long way to cleanse your subconscious mind of disempowering beliefs and patterns.

You get a bill in the mail and all of a sudden your mind goes into a downward spiral of financial worries.

You see a happy couple in love and all of a sudden your mind stars spiraling into despair and you start worrying about dying alone when you are 82.

Start paying attention to these triggers. When they happen, stop them.

When you have awareness you have the ability to not entertain the program.

4. Incantations

One of the most popular ways to ‘reprogram’ the subconscious mind is through affirmations. Since self help books became popular in the 1980’s the idea of affirmations has taken off big time.

The theory is that your subconscious gets ‘programmed’ through repetition and by using the same process you can reprogram your mind to something new – something of your choosing.

This premise is flawed in many ways.

The unconscious initial ‘programming’ of your subconscious happens at a time when your mind is wide open. As a child you often don;t question anything and simply accept things as truth.

The initial programming often goes hand in hand with experiences.

It’s not just words.

Using the words from an affirmation then to try and reprogram these ingrained thoughts is not as simple though.

Does this mean affirmations don’t work?

Absolutely not. On the contrary, they are still one of the most effective tools we know of. There are a few important things to point out though…

  • Don’t try and ‘wipe out’ old beliefs or thoughts. Try instead to build a new and empowering belief.
  • Avoid dull repetitions
  • Become emotionally involved in your affirmations
  • Focus on the visual aspect of affirmations and seeing yourself living what you affirm
  • Use your affirmations as incantations. Add a physical aspect to it.

I want to add a bit more regarding the idea of incantations. I first learned about it through Tony Robbins more than 15 years ago and it has served me very well.

An incantation is when you add a physical component to your affirmation. You move your body and you create an energy around this idea that you are affirming.

When your physiology becomes involved it takes your affirmations to another level and can help to cleanse your subconscious mind faster than most other techniques out there.

5. Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis

Neuro Linguistic Programming explored many techniques and ideas for reprogramming the subconscious mind.

It revealed some truly mind boggling facts about how just our everyday language can affect our subconscious behaviour.

I would encourage you to explore some of the ideas in NLP if you really feel stuck in clearing some old beliefs in your subconscious.

It can get quite complicated though and its easy to get lost in the details.

Hypnosis is another powerful technique where you quite the conscious mind and ‘speak’ more directly to the subconscious.

Highly trained hypnotherapists can really go deep and help you address certain issues very effectively.

Self hypnosis is also a very useful technique that you can learn yourself. Learning how to cleanse your subconscious mind through self hypnosis can be done very effectively through guided audio as well.

6. Experiences

There’s an old saying that ‘a change is as good as a holiday’. This most certainly holds true. The problem is that most of us fall into routines that create comfort zones.

We end up doing the same things over and over again – expecting different results.

New experiences often force us to think in new ways. It can change our perceptions and trigger new levels of awareness and consciousness.

Mental and emotional comfort zones can only produce a life experience that is grounded in the past.

To cleanse your subconscious mind from these stale old patterns you need to challenge yourself to experience new, different and challenging experiences.

In the end, it is not words or ideas that teach your subconscious but experiences.

Do something different.
Try something new.
Really challenge yourself.

This can often be really hard but the rewards are immense. Take a different route to work. Try a new restaurant. Learn a new skill. Read a book you would otherwise never have touched.

Unless you snap out of your routined behaviours your subconscious will just keep running the same programs.

7. Journaling

The idea of journaling has really caught on in the last few years with many super successful people ‘admitting’ to their journaling practice.

Not only does the Oprah’s of the world live by it but people like Richard Branson, Tim Ferris and even Jeff Bezos openly talk about the value of keeping a daily journal.

Putting your thoughts to paper gives them an outlet. It often helps you to better see and understand your own inner dilemmas.

Learning how to cleanse your subconscious mind of limiting thoughts and beliefs, of deeply negative thought habits and past experiences can all be exposed through journaling.

When ideas remain in the realm of your thoughts they remain illusive.

When you put them down on paper you can see them – often in a new and fresh light.

There is a great therapeutic value in keeping a daily journal and allowing yourself to really pour out what often stays locked up in the inner parts of your mind.


With a passion for spirituality, self discovery, and understanding this life, Neod spends his time musing about what is, what could be and what might come about. After writing for 20 years he's still growing, learning, exploring and sharing with love, joy and compassion.

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