Burning Frankincense and Myrrh Benefits

For centuries, the potent resins of frankincense and myrrh have been esteemed for their myriad benefits, transcending beyond spiritual and religious practices to infiltrate the realms of mental and physical well-being.

While often employed in ancient rituals and ceremonies, these time-honored components continue to harness incredible properties that have proven advantageous for the modern individual.

Burning frankincense and myrrh releases fragrant smoke that delivers more than an enticing aroma, but a bevy of benefits as well.

From promoting restful sleep and relieving stress to energetically purifying one’s environment, the synergy between these two powerful elements unveils their latent capacity to cleanse and balance the mind, body, and spirit.

Additionally, these sacred resins are hailed for their inherent ability to elevate spiritual awareness, cultivate intuition, and safeguard against negative energies.

Burning Frankincense and Myrrh Benefits

In today’s world where stress, anxiety, and spiritual disconnect seem commonplace, the age-old wisdom behind burning frankincense and myrrh offers refuge and renewal.

Harnessing the potential that lies within these ancient remedies can pave the road to rediscovering serenity and clarity, inviting a renewed sense of harmony into our lives.

History and Origins

Frankincense and myrrh are both resins derived from the dried tree sap of the Boswellia (frankincense) and Commiphora (myrrh) trees.

These trees, native to Somalia and Ethiopia, belong to the botanical family Burseruceae, commonly known as the incense tree family.

In ancient times, frankincense and myrrh were highly valued commodities, particularly in the Middle East and Egypt. The ancient Egyptians sourced these resins from the Phoenicians, who used them for various purposes, including insect repellent, perfume, incense, and as ingredients in ointments for healing wounds and sores.

These versatile resins were believed to cure ailments such as hemlock poisoning, snakebites, diarrhea, plague, and scurvy.

The use of frankincense and myrrh in religious and spiritual practices can be traced back to biblical times. In the story of the nativity, three wise men, also known as the Magi, presented Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

These valuable gifts symbolize wealth, divinity, and healing.

Frankincense and myrrh were also used in embalming processes during the ancient Egyptian era. This emphasis on their spiritual and healing properties has persisted in various cultures throughout history.

Nowadays, these resins continue to serve as powerful components in spiritual practices, promoting mental and emotional health and fostering spiritual growth.

By understanding the history and origins of frankincense and myrrh, we can appreciate their enduring significance and value in various religious, medicinal, and spiritual practices.

Sources and Types

Frankincense and myrrh are both derived from the sap of trees belonging to the Burseraceae family. Specifically, frankincense is sourced from the Boswellia genus, while myrrh comes from the Commiphora genus.

These trees are native to regions such as the Arabian Peninsula, Northeast Africa, and parts of India.

When the bark of these trees is cut, a natural resin is released in the form of sap. This sap hardens upon exposure to air, eventually forming the solid resin that we use to create products like incense and essential oils.

There are different types of frankincense resin to consider, depending on the Boswellia species. Some well-known varieties include Boswellia carterii, Boswellia frereana, and Boswellia sacra.

The properties and benefits of each type may vary slightly, but they all share a common woody, earthy aroma.

Myrrh resin, on the other hand, is usually derived from Commiphora myrrha, though other Commiphora species may also be used. Just like frankincense, myrrh sap hardens into resin before being processed into various products.

We typically use the extracted essential oils from both frankincense and myrrh resin for their wide range of applications. This includes creating incense and scented candles or incorporating the oils into personal care products such as lotions, creams, and therapeutic balms.

In summary, frankincense and myrrh are sourced from the sap of their respective trees, with a rich diversity of types available from the Boswellia and Commiphora genera.

Both tree saps harden into solid resin, which can be turned into incense, essential oils, and various personal care products.

Physical and Mental Health Benefits

Frankincense and myrrh have been utilized for centuries due to their array of potential physical and mental health benefits. When burned, these resins release aromatic compounds that create a soothing atmosphere, promote relaxation, and provide relief from common ailments.

One of the key health benefits of frankincense and myrrh is their anti-inflammatory properties.

These resins may help reduce joint inflammation caused by arthritis, making them effective for combating joint pain and discomfort. The soothing aroma of these resins can also provide relief for muscle aches and headaches, thanks in part to their ability to promote relaxation.

In addition to addressing physical pain, frankincense and myrrh are known for their potential benefits when it comes to mental and emotional well-being. They have the power to help alleviate anxiety, stress, and depression.

The soothing aromas create an atmosphere conducive to reflection and meditation, encouraging individuals to focus on inner peace and balance.

Aromatherapy, which involves the use of essential oils and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of enhancing well-being, often incorporates frankincense and myrrh in various forms.

These resins are known to have a calming effect on the mind and body, making them a popular choice for those seeking to reduce stress and promote a sense of relaxation.

Moreover, they can help improve the overall quality of sleep, ensuring restful and rejuvenating nights.

In conclusion, the numerous physical and mental health benefits of burning frankincense and myrrh make them a valuable addition to any wellness routine.

Their anti-inflammatory properties, pain relief capabilities, and aromatherapeutic benefits contribute to fostering an atmosphere of relaxation and healing, ultimately promoting overall well-being.

Spiritual and Ritual Use

Frankincense and myrrh have a long history of spiritual and ritual use, dating back to ancient Egyptian times. Their unique properties make them highly valued for various spiritual practices and rituals.

Burning frankincense and myrrh can be beneficial during meditation, as they are known to enhance spiritual awareness, intuition, and clairvoyance.

The aroma of these sacred resins is said to raise vibrations and elevate our thoughts, bringing a sense of joy and tranquility to our surroundings.

In addition to meditation, we often use frankincense and myrrh in rituals to invoke protection and blessings from the divine. Their purifying and cleansing properties make them ideal for warding off negative energy, creating a safe and peaceful environment for our spiritual work.

When it comes to spiritual cleansing, smudging with frankincense and myrrh can help clear our auras and balance our chakras.

This practice can remove any unwanted energies, thoughts, or emotions that may be affecting our overall well-being.

Furthermore, frankincense and myrrh are used in various love and compassion rituals. Their calming and soothing properties help open our hearts, allowing us to connect with our inner selves and others on a deeper level.

In prayer, these resins are often used as an offering to the gods, as their fragrance is believed to carry our prayers and intentions to the heavens.

Ancient Egyptians used frankincense and myrrh in their rituals and ceremonies to honor their gods and seek blessings.

In conclusion, burning frankincense and myrrh holds great significance in spiritual and ritual practices.

From meditation to spiritual cleansing, protection, and invoking divine blessings, the use of these sacred resins truly transcends time and cultures, continuing to enrich our spiritual journey today.

Healing Properties

Frankincense and myrrh have long been recognized for their potential therapeutic benefits. Both of these natural resins are derived from tree sap and have been used for centuries in traditional medicine, particularly in the Middle East.

We will discuss some of the notable healing properties of these ancient fragrances.

Frankincense is known for its protective, purifying, and antidepressant properties. Its effectiveness as a stress reliever and mood enhancer has been supported by scientific studies, showing its potential in promoting spiritual awareness.

Burning frankincense can also cleanse and balance the mind, body, and spirit, making it an excellent choice for use before meditation.

Myrrh, on the other hand, exhibits numerous medicinal properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antifungal abilities.

These qualities make it ideal for treating various health issues, including infections and inflammation. In addition, myrrh has been found to have wound-healing properties, helping in the treatment and prevention of infections in cuts and abrasions.

When used in combination, frankincense and myrrh offer enhanced healing potential. Research has shown that the mixture of these two resins can provide superior healing properties for oral ulcers when compared to conventional medications.

Together, they can also help relieve pain and muscle tension due to their analgesic and anti-inflammatory nature, making the blend a popular choice for many seeking a more natural approach to pain management.

In conclusion, the healing properties of frankincense and myrrh can provide various benefits in promoting overall well-being.

By incorporating these aromatic resins into our daily lives, we can experience their restorative effects and balance our mind, body, and spirit.

Skin Care and Personal Use

We often use frankincense and myrrh for various skincare and personal use applications because of their numerous benefits. Both essential oils possess properties that can enhance the health and appearance of our skin.

Frankincense and myrrh have antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, making them suitable for addressing minor skin irritations such as athlete’s foot, ringworm, eczema, and acne. Additionally, their natural astringent properties can help nourish and protect skin cells.

This is particularly beneficial for preventing saggy skin and slowing down the signs of aging.

To harness these benefits, we recommend creating a facial serum by adding a few drops of frankincense and myrrh essential oil to a carrier oil such as jojoba or argan oil.

Applying this mixture to the face and neck every night before bed can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting healthy and glowing skin.

Alternatively, mixing frankincense oil with a carrier oil like coconut or extra virgin olive oil and applying it to the abdomen or other areas of saggy skin can help prevent wrinkles and maintain youthful skin.

Myrrh oil has been frequently incorporated into traditional Chinese medicine, with its uses not only limited to skincare but also dental care.

Adding myrrh oil to toothpaste or mouthwashes can greatly improve oral hygiene due to its antimicrobial properties.

By incorporating frankincense and myrrh into our skincare routines, we can enjoy the numerous benefits these essential oils have to offer, ultimately promoting healthier and more radiant skin.

Traditional Medicines

In traditional Chinese medicine, frankincense and myrrh are widely recognized for their numerous benefits.

They have been used for centuries to address various health issues, ranging from inflammation and cancer treatment to purging stagnant blood from the uterus. These versatile resins possess valuable properties that make them valuable additions to natural remedies.

Ayurvedic medicine, another ancient healing system, also utilizes frankincense and myrrh for their therapeutic qualities. In this context, myrrh tonic is highly regarded as an effective treatment for numerous ailments.

Frankincense, on the other hand, has been shown to suppress cell viability in bladder transitional carcinoma J82 cells, making it a potential treatment for certain types of cancer.

Another common use of these natural resins is in oral care products. Both frankincense and myrrh are often found in mouthwash and toothpaste formulations, thanks to their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help promote oral health.

They effectively combat harmful bacteria, reduce gum inflammation, and alleviate pain.

Interestingly, research has shown that myrrh can interact with opioid receptors in the body, providing pain-relief effects.

This indicates its potential as an alternative to traditional pain management methods, especially for those seeking natural, non-addictive solutions.

Incorporating fragrances like vanilla into the mix when burning frankincense and myrrh can create a calming and grounding atmosphere. The soothing scent helps promote restful sleep and alleviate stress, establishing a harmonious environment perfect for meditation, relaxation, or simply unwinding after a long day.

In summary, the traditional uses of frankincense and myrrh span across various cultures and medicinal systems, including traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine.

These versatile resins have gained importance due to their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and cancer-fighting properties, making them ideal for use in oral care products, pain management, and creating a serene ambiance for relaxation and sleep.

Respiratory and Digestive Health

Burning frankincense and myrrh has been known to support respiratory and digestive health. We will explore how the use of these two resins can benefit individuals suffering from ailments like coughs, indigestion, asthma, and even arthritis.

The anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense can have a positive effect on those suffering from asthma. By burning the resin, we may experience relief from inflammation and constriction in the airways, making it easier to breathe.

Similarly, it can also prove helpful in easing coughs, as the soothing aroma can aid in suppressing spasmodic activity in the lungs.

As for digestive health, burning frankincense can help alleviate issues related to indigestion. The resin has been known to promote healthy digestion by reducing inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

This can aid in relieving symptoms such as bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort.

Myrrh also possesses its own set of benefits in terms of respiratory and digestive health. Similar to frankincense, myrrh can help relieve coughs and support healthy lung function.

Additionally, it can contribute to improved digestion, by helping soothe stomach discomfort and promote regular bowel movements.

It’s important to mention that the benefits of burning frankincense and myrrh for respiratory and digestive health are largely anecdotal.

While many people have reported positive experiences, scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of these remedies is sparse.

In relation to arthritis, frankincense’s anti-inflammatory properties may help alleviate some symptoms associated with this condition.

Though research on this topic is limited, it is worth noting that the use of frankincense for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis treatment has been a part of traditional medicine systems for centuries.

In summary, the practice of burning frankincense and myrrh can provide support for those dealing with respiratory and digestive issues, as well as individuals suffering from arthritis.

While further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of these natural remedies, incorporating them into a wellness routine may offer relief for those seeking alternative treatments.

Other Uses

In addition to the known spiritual and emotional benefits, burning frankincense and myrrh has several other uses. These natural resins have a rich history and have been widely used for various purposes, such as incense, perfume, and even as a means of cleansing spaces.

We can use frankincense and myrrh as incense to create a pleasing aroma in our homes or sacred spaces.

The smoke produced from burning these resins carries a distinct, warm, and earthy scent, known for its calming and grounding effect. Breathing in the scent of frankincense and myrrh can help us relax, reduce stress, and promote a sense of harmony.

Resins like frankincense, myrrh, amber, copal, and even dragon’s blood are often used as a base for perfumes and fragrances. Historically, they have been an essential component of traditional medicines and religious rituals.

These resins can also be combined to create cleansing smokes with varied properties and unique scent profiles.

Another significant use of these resins is to cleanse and purify the air or removing negative energy from a space.

Burning frankincense and myrrh produces a powerful, purifying smoke that helps neutralize and eliminate lingering unwanted or stagnant energies. This makes them ideal for use in meditation spaces, yoga studios, or any place where we desire to cultivate a sense of balance and tranquility.

In summary, frankincense and myrrh are versatile, aromatic resins with various uses and benefits. They can be used to create pleasant scents, purify the air, or promote positive energy in our homes and sacred spaces.

Their rich history and diverse applications make them valuable natural tools for enhancing our well-being and improving our surroundings.

Precautions and Safety

When burning frankincense and myrrh, it is essential to consider the precautions and safety measures to ensure a positive experience.

As both frankincense and myrrh produce aromatic smoke when burned, it is crucial to ensure proper ventilation in the room.

This will help avoid any potential respiratory issues, especially for those with asthma or respiratory sensitivities.

While frankincense and myrrh are generally safe in their natural form, we should be aware of their toxic nature when ingesting or using them inappropriately.

Myrrh, for instance, may lead to uterine bleeding and lower blood pressure if consumed. Therefore, we must avoid ingesting myrrh in any form. Frankincense, on the other hand, is generally safe when used topically or through aromatherapy, but ingestion can cause adverse effects.

To avoid any hazards while burning these resins, always use a heat-resistant surface or burner specifically designed for this purpose.

Keep the burner away from flammable materials and never leave burning resins unattended. Moreover, we should keep them out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion or contact with the burning material.

In addition, it is essential to source high-quality frankincense and myrrh to ensure their therapeutic benefits.

Low-quality or adulterated resins may not only lack the desired effects but could also pose potential health risks. We recommend purchasing these products from reputable suppliers with verifiable quality and purity standards.

As with any form of aromatherapy, we advise consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating frankincense and myrrh into your routine, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are pregnant.

It is necessary to be informed, as some people might experience allergic reactions or skin sensitivities when using these natural substances.

In summary, when burning frankincense and myrrh, we must take appropriate precautions and safety measures to ensure a beneficial and risk-free experience.

Proper ventilation, careful handling, and sourcing high-quality products are essential to achieving the desired benefits without compromising our well-being.

My Final Thoughts

In our exploration of the benefits of burning frankincense and myrrh, we have discovered several positive outcomes. Both of these ancient substances have been used for centuries to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Through our research, we found that burning frankincense and myrrh can help purify the air, potentially contributing to a reduced spread of contagious diseases.

This property has made them valuable additions to places of worship and other communal spaces throughout history, improving the overall atmosphere and cleanliness.

Frankincense appears to not only purify the air but also to offer certain health benefits such as improved arthritis, digestion, reduced asthma, and better oral health.

Similarly, myrrh has been found to possess painkilling properties due to its action on the brain’s opioid receptors. The power of these substances can be further strengthened when used in combination with spiritual practices, where they can help cleanse and energize the required structures for personal growth.

We have also briefly touched upon the utilization of gold, often portrayed alongside frankincense and myrrh through history.

Gold has its own set of health benefits, with the isotope gold-198 used in the treatment of some cancers to increase radiation therapy’s efficiency.

In conclusion, the use of frankincense and myrrh in our daily lives and spiritual practices provides a solid foundation for promoting physical and emotional well-being.

By understanding their properties and incorporating them into our practices, we can unlock the potential benefits of these ancient substances and improve our overall quality of life.


With a passion for spirituality, self discovery, and understanding this life, Neod spends his time musing about what is, what could be and what might come about. After writing for 20 years he's still growing, learning, exploring and sharing with love, joy and compassion.

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