The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz – Book Summary

Don Miguel’s parents were healers, his grandfather a Shaman, and his mother a Curandera. He was born and raised in rural Mexico. His family hoped he would follow the family tradition and become a healer.

However he decided not to embrace this legacy, but instead chose to become a surgeon.

He then had an accident, a near death experience, which changed his life. After falling asleep driving his car, he drove into a concrete wall. In an out of body state he watched himself, and his two friends being pulled out of the car.

Amazed by this experience he studied the ancient ancestral wisdom with his mother. His deceased grandfather also gave him guidance, through his dreams.

Don Miguel Ruiz is a Nagual from the Eagle Knight lineage, and as is their tradition, he has dedicated his life to sharing the Toltec wisdom.

In his book, “The Four Agreements”, he discloses the cause of the self-limiting beliefs, which rob us of happiness, and give unnecessary suffering.

The book is based on ancient Toltec wisdom and offers a compelling code of conduct, which can transform your life and bring:

  • True happiness
  • Freedom
  • Love

The Toltecs from southern Mexico are a society of artists and scientists, who explored and conserved ancient spiritual practices. For thousands of years they have been accepted as men and women of knowledge.

They met as Naguals, the name for a master, and students at Teotihuacan, which is the ancient city of pyramids. This is just outside the city of Mexico, and it is known as the place where “Man Becomes God”


The author tells us that what we are hearing and seeing now is a dream, and that we are dreaming with our brain awake. Our minds dream around the clock, as this is its main function. However when we are awake, we see in a linear way, because there is a material frame. Our dreams constantly change when we go to sleep because we do not have the frame.

As we are dreaming all the time, the dream of our planet includes everything to do with society. It is a collective dream of the billions of all our personal dreams.


  • Beliefs
  • Laws and rules of society
  • Cultures
  • Religions
  • Schools
  • Holiday’s
  • Social events
  • Governments

We are all born with the capacity to learn how to dream, and our parents, schools and religion teach us how to dream, according to our society. We learn everything from the adults around us, as they repeatedly fill our minds, and hook our attention.


In this way we use our attention to learn a whole dream, our reality.

We learn what is:

  • Good and bad
  • Ugly and beautiful
  • Acceptable or not
  • To believe or not
  • Right or wrong

As children we learn from adults how to ply for the attention of other adults. We develop a need for attention, and this can make us competitive. This need increases in strength and continues into adulthood.

The author explains the first way the outside dream hooks our attention is through language.

This is the code for our communication and agreement. Once we understand this, our attention is captivated, and we transfer energy from person-to-person.

The Process

None of us chose our religion, nationality, name, or what we should believe, or not believe, as these agreements were already there before we were born.

We did not choose our beliefs, but we believe what adults say and agree with them. If we wholehearted agree with them, this is faith, and will control our entire dream of life.

The author calls our submission with our agreement, “the domestication of humans, and explains that it is through this domestication, we learn how to dream and live.

The outside dream trains us in humanness; we learn to judge others, and ourselves.

As children we are punished or rewarded, according to whether we went with the rules, or not. In time we develop a need to grab the attention of others, to get the reward. This is because being rewarded feels good, and in the end we become someone that we are not, a copy of everyone else’s beliefs.

This domestication process is so strong that even when we become adults and no longer need any one else, we become our own domesticator. In this way we punish ourselves according to the beliefs we have been taught.

Victim and Judge

Our inner judge criticizes everything and everyone. Every time we do something, which goes against what we have been taught, this inner judge tells us we should be ashamed of ourselves and because we are guilty, we need to be punished.

We have another part, namely the victim. This part tells us we are not good enough or worthy of anything. This is the part that says poor me, and the Judge agrees with the victim.

Both the Judge and the Victim are based on a belief system that we never chose to believe, but these beliefs are strong and remain with us, controlling our lives, even years later.

This is the route of all fear. So whenever anything goes against our beliefs, then we are fearful. This is why we need to be brave to test our own beliefs, because although we did not choose them, we agreed to them.

According to this book of laws – The Judge decrees and the Victim suffers. We pay thousands of times over, for the same mistake. When someone reminds us of this mistake, we judge, punish, and find ourselves guilty again.

Every time we make a mistake, we blame our children, parents or spouse, send them emotional poison, and make them suffer over and over, for the same mistake.

However the judge is wrong, because both the belief system, and the book of law are wrong, so the whole dream is founded on a false law – Lies, all lies.

This is why the human race worldwide is ruled by fear and we see and have:

  • Human suffering
  • Revenge
  • Violence in the street
  • Addictions
  • Anger
  • Injustice


The author explains that when we compare hell with the dream of our society, they are both the same. For whenever we are angry, envious, hateful or jealous, we are living in a dream of hell, as we experience a fire burning inside us.

This means hell is all around us, if we allow it to be. However there is no need to live in fear, and it is possible to live an enjoyable dream.

He relates how we are all on and eternal search for justice, beauty and truth, but because we believe the lies we have amassed in our mind, we are searching for justice in a belief system where there is none.

Our search is relentless despite everything already being within us. We cannot see the truth because we are blinded by all the false beliefs.

We need to be right and make others wrong. This is what we believe, our personal dream of life, all the agreements we have made with ourselves, others and even God. The Toltecs call this fog in our minds a mitote, an illusion.

We cannot see who we really are and so we cannot see that we are not free. He explains that because of fear of not being accepted, and not being good enough, we have learned to live our lives from other people’s viewpoints, and strive to be what we believe to be perfect, but we will never be perfect from this point of view.


As we don’t fit in with our own idea of perfection, to some degree or another, we reject ourselves, never forgiving ourselves for not being perfect. This can even mean becoming self-abusive, or allowing other people to abuse us as well.

It is common to hear people say their, mother, father, husband or wife abused them, but in reality we abuse ourselves much worse than this, as our judge is the worst judge of all.

When someone in our life abuses us slightly less than we abuse our-self, then we are likely to remain in this relationship, and put up with this treatment continuously.

This may even mean putting up with someone who beats and humiliates us, simply because our belief system says we deserve it.

Beginning of a New Dream

We have all made thousands of agreements with our-self, society as a whole, other people, our children, spouse, parents, our dream of life and with God.

The most important one of those we made with our self, as these are the agreements that tell us:

  • Who we are
  • What we are
  • What we can do
  • What we believe
  • How to behave

In other words, our personalities, and if we want to be happy you have to break all agreements, which are fear based, as these are the ones that claim your personal power, and make you suffer.

On the other hand, agreements that come from love save and give energy.

We are all born with a degree of personal power, which is re-instated daily as we rest, but we use this power creating all these agreements, and trying to keep them. Consequently we feel drained and powerless with the agreements keeping us trapped.

The author explains that if you don’t like you life, acknowledge that it is your agreements ruling your life and then change them. When you are ready to do this you can use four potent agreements to help you do this.

Whenever you break an agreement that comes from fear, the power you used to make it returns to you. Implementing the four new agreements will give you enough personal power to change the whole system of your old agreements.

This takes a great deal of will power, but once you start, the transformation will be remarkable and you will be able to create your personal dream of heaven.

Agreement One

The author says that although this sounds simple, it is the most difficult agreement to stick to, and is the most important one:

Agreement one is to Be impeccable with your word.

The author relates that your word is a gift directly from God, and is the power you have to create. Your intent manifests everything through your word. This means what you feel, what you dream and what you really are, will be manifested through your words.

This does not mean what you speak or write, as the word is the power that you have to think, communicate and express yourself, and in this way you create what happens in your life. It can either create an amazing dream, or destroy all that is around you. It all depends on how you use it.

The word is so powerful that one doubt or fear planted in your mind can cause endless tragic events. It is like a spell, and as humans we use the word like black magicians, carelessly casting spells on each other.

We cast spells all the time with our opinions. Here the author gives an example of the tremendous power of the word:

If you see a friend and casually say that the color of his face reminds you of someone who is going to get cancer, and your friend takes on board what you have said, and agrees, then he is likely to have this disease within a year.

When you were growing up, you believed the thoughtless opinions given by siblings, teachers and your parents.

If you are told you are ugly or stupid, and believe this, then you grow up with the notion that you are ugly or stupid. It does not matter how beautiful or intelligent you are, as long as you have this agreement, you are under that spell.

This idea can then be reinforced or changed. If someone says you are beautiful or intelligent, and you believe it, the spell is broken.


The author explains, Impeccability means without sin. Sin means anything you do against yourself. When you are impeccable, you do not blame or judge yourself, but take responsibility for your actions. This is a totally new viewpoint from that given in religious terms, where sin leads to death, as impeccability leads to life.

The author gives an example of not using the word against your self:
If you call a person stupid, it looks like you are using the word against him. In fact you are using it against yourself.

This is because he will hate you for this, and that is not good for you. However when you express love, this action will bring a similar one into being, and you will receive love from the other person.

Being impeccable with your word is the right way to use your energy, but this is difficult to do because we have learned to do exactly the opposite. We use the word to blame, find guilt, curse, and destroy, and use it in the right way far too little.

Black Magic

The author again re-iterates the main theme – whenever you hear an opinion and believe it, you make an agreement, and it becomes part of your belief system. This is something we all do with our own children, and they carry it with them for years.

An example of this:

Say you have woken up feeling happy and spend a couple of hours dressing and making up so that you look beautiful. Then one of your best friends says you look ugly and ridiculous. If you accept this opinion, it becomes an agreement, consequently all your power goes into that opinion, and it becomes what the author calls, black magic.

The only way to break this type of spell is to make a new agreement, one that is based on the truth:

  • Lies create black magic
  • The truth sets us free


The author asks us to look at everyday interactions, and to imagine just how many times we cast spells on each other with our word. He explains that the worst type of black magic is what we know as gossip.

We are taught that this emotional poison is the normal way to communicate.

One small piece of gossip or misinformation can breakdown our communication, and infect every person it touches.


You are angry with someone and want revenge. You say something untrue about that person, so that the poison spreads, and he/she will feel bad about their self. Then we kid ourselves, saying the person got what they deserved. In this way we are able to justify the most vindictive behavior, but what we don’t understand is that misusing our word in this way, just puts us deeper into hell.

Not only have we contended with spells and gossip from the words of others, but we also berate and use our word against our self by saying:

  • I look ugly
  • I am fat
  • I’m losing my hair
  • I never understand anything
  • I am getting old
  • I am stupid


The author explains that when you understand what the word is and the first agreement, it changes how you deal with yourself, and then with others, particularly those nearest and dearest.

This is because when you become impeccable with your word, you clear your mind of emotional poison, and from your communication with others. It also makes you immune from the negative spells of others.

You will feel relaxed and happy, when you are impeccable with your word.

Using the word is the correct way is extremely powerful, tell yourself:

  • How wonderful you are
  • How much you love yourself
  • How great you are

Use the word to break the spell of all those wee; small agreements that make you suffer. When you do this you can live in heaven, even though those around you are living in hell.

Agreement Two

The second agreement is don’t take anything personally.

This is because when you take things personally you are agreeing with whatever was said. This is when the poison sets in and traps you in the dream of hell, as you think you are responsible for everything.

The author explains that nothing others do is because of you. They live in a totally different world to the one you live in, so if you take something personally, you are assuming they know what is in your world, and so impose your world on theirs. This even applies if they are openly rude to you, as it is their point of view.

The author explains that although someone has insulted you openly, this still has nothing to do with you. Their opinions, what they say and do are because of the programming they received, as they grew up.

In this way, when someone says you look fat, there is no need to take it personally, as the other person is dealing with his own opinions, feelings and beliefs. If you take it personally, you take in the poison, and it becomes yours.

Taking things personally causes you to feel upset, and defend your beliefs. This creates conflicts, because you need to right.

Everyone has an opinion according to their belief system, and so nothing they say has anything to do with you, as it is all about them. Your point of view is personal to you, and no one’s truth but your own.

The Mind

Our mind lives in many dimensions, and that there are times when ideas are perceived with the mind, although they did not originate there. You can choose whether you believe these or not.

Our minds are divided, and one part can speak, as the other listens. . This is problematic when many parts are talking at the same time, especially as they all have a different point of view.

All the agreements we made are like an individual, having a personality and voice. This creates inner conflict, and the author explains that it is only by taking stock of our agreements that we will be able to discover all the conflicts in the mind, and find order in this turmoil.

When you are able to see people as they really are, without taking it personally, you can never be upset by what they say and do. Jealousy, envy, anger and sadness cease to exist if you don’t take things personally.

Practicing the first two agreements will help you to break three quarters of the tiny agreements, which keep you trapped in hell.

Don’t take anything personally – write this on a piece of paper, and paste it to your refrigerator door.

Agreement Three

The third agreement is, “don’t make assumptions”.

We are inclined to make assumptions about everything. We believe we know what others are thinking and doing. We then blame, and respond by sending them emotional poison with our word.

Assumption > Misunderstanding > Taken Personally > Big Drama

The author explains that our whole dream of hell is based on the war of control between others, because we make assumptions and take things personally.

This is why it is always better to ask questions, to make sure we understand the situation, rather than make an assumption.

Making assumptions in your relationships is really asking for problems, because you assume someone knows what you want, and when they don’t do what you think they will, you feel hurt.

An example is given here:

When you decide to get married, you assume that your partner has the same views on marriage as you. As you begin to live together you find out this is not the case, which leads to a lot of disagreements.

Instead of explaining how you feel about the marriage, your partner comes home from work, and finds you angry, but he doesn’t know why.

???? Get Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements Audio Book – Click Here To Get It FREE


This happens in all types of relationships, we assume we don’t have to say what we want because the other person knows us well enough to know. In order to feel safe the human mind has to justify, explain and understand everything.

When someone tells you something, you will make an assumption. It they don’t tell you something, you make an assumption. You even do this if you hear something that you don’t understand.

This is because you don’t have the nerve to ask questions.

As we have agreements to communicate in this way, assumptions are often made quickly, and without thinking, and when we assume we are right, we will defend our position, even if it means destroying relationships. We assume others:

Feel the way we do

  • Think the way we do
  • Judge the way we do
  • See life the way we do
  • Abuse the way we do

This is why we are afraid to be ourselves, as we think others will victimize, blame, abuse and judge us, as we do ourselves. Making assumptions about your self creates much inner conflict.

Frequently when you begin a relationship with someone, you only see what you like about the person, and refuse to see the things you don’t like about him or her. You make assumptions and lie to yourself, thinking your love can change the person.

This is not true as someone only changes if they want to change. You only see what you didn’t want to see when you get hurt, only this is greater than before, because you have added your emotional poison.

In order to explain your emotional pain, you blame them for your choices.


The author explains that there is no need to justify love, as real love is when we accept others as they are. Trying to change someone means you don’t really like them. This means it is better to find someone who is just the way you want them to be, so you don’t have to change them.

Of course this will also entail that they also have to love you, just the way you are. When you stop making assumptions with everyone in your life, your relationships will be conflict free.

The way to do this is by asking questions, and also asking for what you want. This way you can communicate clearly, and free of emotional poison. In this way you word becomes impeccable.

If we all communicated like this, there would be no misunderstanding, violence or wars.

Of course this is easy said than done, or at least it seems that way, but the author explains this is because we usually do the opposite. We all have routines and habits that we are not even conscious of, so need to:

  • Become aware of these habits.
  • Understand the importance of the agreement.
  • Take action.


Taking action makes your will stronger. It is the basis of a solid foundation for this new way of being and can transform your whole life. This is the mastery of:

  • Intent
  • Spirit
  • Love
  • Gratitude
  • Life

And the path to personal freedom

Agreement Four:

The fourth agreement is, “Always Do Your Best”

The forth and final agreement lets the other three develop into deeply ingrained habits. You should always do your best. This will be different form one moment to the next, and at times your best will be excellent, whereas at others it will not be as good.

It will depend on whether you feel:

  • Fresh and energized
  • Tired, healthy or sick
  • Happy or sad
  • Drunk or sober

As moods change from hour to hour, so your best will alter with time, and as you perfect the four new agreements, you best will become better. If you try too hard, you will use more energy than necessary, wear your self out, and your best will not be enough, and you will take more time to achieve your goal.

However when you do less than your best, you will feel guilty, judge yourself, feel frustrated and have regrets. Therefore the author repeats over and again

“Regardless of the quality, keep doing your best – no more and no less than your best.”

This breaks the spell you have been under.

When you do your best you will live a powerful life, you are productive and good to yourself, as you give yourself to others.

You do your best when you take action because you want to, not because you are expecting to be rewarded. Most people take action expecting a reward, so they don’t enjoy it, and that is why they don’t do their best.

When you take action without expecting anything in return, you:

  • Enjoy everything you do
  • Have unexpected rewards
  • Have fun
  • Don’t judge
  • Have no regrets
  • Are free

Doing Your Best

Doing your best means you learn from your mistakes, by practicing and looking honestly at the outcome, which increases your awareness. You should never take action out of duty. This is because you are only doing your best, when you are enjoying what you are doing.

The author explains that inaction is how we deny life, such as sitting in front of the television, whereas action is concerned with living fully. Unless you act upon an idea, you will see no results or reward.

We are also told that the best way to tell God we love him, is to live our lives doing our best, and the best way to say thank you to him, is to live in the present, and let go of the past.

This allows us to enjoy what is happening in this moment, the here and now.

None of us have anything to prove, as all that matters is to enjoy life, and to be. You have the right to be you, to say yes or no when you want, but you can only be you when you do your best.

You don’t need to be accepted by others, as you convey your own divinity by loving yourself and others.

You will not always be impeccable with your word, you will at times take something personally, and you will probably still make the odd assumption, but these three agreements will only work if you do your best. When you do your best, these behaviors will recur less, and practice makes the master.


The author explains that you don’t have to worship anyone, as your own body is an expression of God. Consequently, whenever you practice loving all of your body, you plant seeds of love in your mind, which will grow, so that you will greatly respect your body.

In this way every thought unites you to God. You will never live in hell when you keep all of the four agreements, and:

  • You are impeccable with your word
  • You don’t take anything personally
  • You don’t make assumptions
  • You always do your best

In this way you only have to adopt these agreements, and you will have total control of your life, and transform heaven into hell, it will be wonderful.

The author tells how these agreements are simple enough for a child to understand, so you can choose to honor them today. However you need will power because other agreements are alive and strong, so your path will be full of obstacles.

He also explains that despite it being so hard and difficult in the beginning, and falling many times, he stood up and kept going, and each time became easier than the last.

It is important that you do not judge when you fall, as this gives the Judge the pleasure of turning you into a victim. So if you don’t stick to an agreement, start again tomorrow and the day after.

It becomes easier with each day and one day you will find that you are in charge of your own life, and it will be transformed, with the help of these Four


Freedom is when we are who you really are. There is only one thing that stops us from being free and that is our self. However we always blame everything else, such as our parents, the weather, religion, the government, and God.

The reason we can’t be ourselves is that although we all can remember being free a long time ago, we have forgotten what it really means.
The author explains that when we look at a young child, we see a free human.

This is because the child is totally wild, doing whatever he or she wants, as they play and explore the world. Young children live only in the here and now, are not afraid of the future, nor feel guilty about the past.

Normal human tendency is to:

  • Enjoy life
  • Be happy
  • Explore
  • Play
  • Love

Sadly as adult humans, we are not wild and free, because our Victim, Judge and belief system no longer allow us to be happy. However there is no need to blame your parents as they could only teach you what they know. They like you had no control over the programming they were given. But now is the time to break away from the role of the Victim.

Inner Child

Inside you is the real you, the child who never grew up. You sometimes catch a glimpse of this child when you are playing, having fun, or expressing your self in some way.

It is the judge that stops our fun and tells us that we have responsibilities.

You have to:

  • Go to work
  • Earn a living
  • Go to school

We spend all our lives trying to please others so that we are accepted, instead of living our lives to please ourselves. Most people never realize that the Victim and the Judge rule their mind.

Consequently they never have a chance to be free. When you become aware that you mind is full of emotional poison, and old wounds, you can start to clean, and heal them. Healing starts when you begin to challenge your beliefs, because this belief system is based on lies.


The author explains that to be a Toltec is a way of life where there are no followers, and no leaders. You only have and live your own truth.

There are three masteries that lead you to become a Toltec:

  • The mastery of awareness
  • The mastery of transformation
  • The mastery of intent

The Judge, the Victim, and the belief system are parasites that control our minds and personal dreams. They stay alive on fearful emotions and thrive on tragedy and pain.

We can either decide to surrender to the Victim and Judge, or rebel and say NO.
We don’t have to wait until we die to reach heaven, as both heaven and hell are places that exist within our own minds.

“God is always present and the kingdom of heaven is everywhere, but first we need to have the eyes and ears to see and hear that truth. We need to be free of the parasite.”

Don Miguel Ruiz

You destroy the parasite by:

  • Facing your fears, one by one
  • Gaining control of your emotions
  • Initiation of the dead – a symbolic death

Second Attention

The author calls the beliefs you have, and way you are living now, the dream of first attention. These were used to create the first dream of your life.

The way to change these beliefs is to become aware of them, and change them yourself to create a new dream, the dream of second attention. You can choose what you want and don’t want to believe in.

You can choose to believe in yourself by taking these steps:

  • You have to become conscious that you are dreaming all the time, and need to know which agreements you want to change.
  • You then have to become conscious of all of your fear based, self-limiting beliefs, which make you unhappy. You can do this by choosing different beliefs like the Four Agreements. This declares war on the parasite.
  • When you go to the core of these agreements, you meet your demons face on, and each time you break an agreement, you become more powerful.
  • Replace every agreement that makes you suffer with a new agreement that makes you happy. This prevents the old one returning.
  • Remember you will need will power, as this is a slow, step-by-step process, and you cannot change an agreement with less power than you used to make it.
  • Keep practising, as this makes the master.

Behavior Control

The author asks us to use our imagination, to visualize waking in the morning feeling good, and full of gusto for the forthcoming day.

Then having a fight with our spouse at breakfast, and how drained this leaves a person feeling. After this display of anger, there is no energy to keep us going.

He explains that we wake everyday with enough emotional, mental and physical energy to use throughout the day, but when we allow our emotions to drain our energy, we have none left to give to others, or to change our lives. The way you feel reflects in everything else around you:

  • If you are angry, then everything else will be wrong and nothing will please you.
  • When you are sad, so is everything around you, and you cry.
  • When you feel vulnerable, you see the world through the eyes of fear, and do not trust anyone.

We are told all humans have an emotional body covered with wounds infected with emotional poison from all that makes us suffer, such as envy, hate, sadness and anger.

When someone treat us unfairly, this opens a wound in the mind, and we answer with emotional poison, due to the beliefs we have about what is fair.

This we consider normal, but it is not.

When you understand that this state of mind is a disease, it is possible to find a cure, but you need the truth to open these wounds, and remove the poison, so that the wounds heal completely.

You do this by forgiving those who have wronged you. You want to forgive out of consideration for yourself.

You first have to forgive your parents, brothers, sisters, friends and God, and then you can finally forgive yourself. After forgiving yourself, self-acceptance grows.


The last way find personal freedom is to practice the initiation of the dead, to use death as our teacher. When you are aware that you can die at any moment, you know you have only the present to be alive.

We all have an idea that we have many years in the future, but the truth is that none of us knows if he or she will be here tomorrow.

If we are confronted with a situation where we have been we only have a week left to live, we have the choice, either we suffer or spend every single moment we have left being happy.

The author relates that in this scenario, we no longer care what others think of us, as you are going to die in a week, and are going to be your self.

This is how the angel of death is able to teach us how to live each day of our life, as if it is the last and to be grateful that we have one more day, to be who we are.

The only thing that dies in the initiation of death is the parasite. This is not an easy process, as both the Victim and the Judge will fight for their lives.

When we live in the dream of the planet, it is as if we are already dead. Surviving the initiation of the dead, gives us a wonderful gift, the resurrection – to be ourselves again.

According to the Toltecs, the angel of death comes to you and shows you that everything that exists, is his not yours. This includes your spouse, house, children, career, money and car. It is all his, and he can take it away at any time, but for now you can use it.

Surrendering to the angel of death keeps you living in the present

The New Dream

Here the author asks the reader to forget everything he or she has ever learned, for this is the beginning or a new dream, a new agreement. The dream you are living at the moment is your perception of reality, your creation.

As you have the power to create hell, you also have the power to create heaven. So you can use you imagination and emotions, to dream a different dream.

If you imagine you are able to change your worldview whenever you choose, then every time you open your eyes you will see the world differently.

The readers are asked to close their eyes now, and then open then and look outside. You will see love coming out of:

  • The trees
  • The sky
  • The light
  • Everything around you

When you see love all around, you are in a state of bliss, and even when others are angry or sad, you can see that behind these feelings, they are also sending love.

You can also imagine:

  • You are allowed to be happy, and really enjoy your life.
  • You are not afraid to ask what you want, or to say yes or no, to anyone.
  • You are not afraid of being judged by others.
  • You live your life without judging others.
  • You don’t need to be right.
  • You can easily forgive others.
  • You are not afraid to love
  • You are not afraid of not being loved.
  • You are not afraid to lose anything.
  • You are not afraid to live, or to die.
  • You love yourself just as you are.

Heaven on Earth

The author explains that all these things are possible, but you have to understand what it is, before you can experience this dream, and we are told that only love has the power to give us this bliss.

Life is simple when love is your way of life. You can choose to be loving all the time, and it changes your perception of everything. When you live with awareness that there is love all around you, there is no longer a fog in your mind. This is what we as a human race have worked so hard for in order to reach this point.

We are told the only reason we suffer is because we choose to do so. We all can choose whether we live in heaven or hell. The author says he chooses to live in heaven and he asks, “What do you choose?”


In the final chapter of this book the author gives us three prayers to practice:

  • The first is a prayer to experience a communion with our Creator, and to take pleasure in being alive, and in the feeling of love.
  • The second is a prayer for freedom, to ask the Creator to help us love others unconditionally.
  • The third is a prayer for love, and to give thanks for the gift of life that we have been given.

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With a passion for spirituality, self discovery, and understanding this life, Neod spends his time musing about what is, what could be and what might come about. After writing for 20 years he's still growing, learning, exploring and sharing with love, joy and compassion.

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